Thursday, November 13, 2008

Some Fun!

Spiderman. Just did in an hour and half. This was fun. I want to get better at digital painting.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


This is a brick texture I did in class.

This is a wood texture I worked on at home. I had help using a tutorial online that was really helpful. Its at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sketches & Artwork

Here a just a few quick thumbnails I drew for a video game project in class.

This was a creature I created for my character drawing class.

This was inspired by the movie "Robots" from 20th Century Fox. Some of the parts were drawn from actual pieces of hardware.

Female heroine sketch created for a video game project in class.

Final Rendering sketch for the same female heroine as pictured above.

Thumbnails and sketches for game design process class.

A final rendering of the large sketch from above. Next move is to bring in to 3ds max.

3D model of my sketch and drawing from above. I was really happy with this though it still needs work.

Character turn for my character drawing class.